Sunday, August 24, 2008

Summer After Hawaii

I know it seems like we haven't done anything this summer, but here is a few things to show everyone we're not so boring, we did play a lot after Hawaii, just didn't have the time to post anything. 

We went to Provo Lake with Alex, his roommates, and their dogs. They built some floating contraption and wanted to test it out. Who says you can't walk on water?

We went to Salem Days to watch the fireworks. My sister and her friends showed up as well. It took forever for them to start the fireworks, cause the wind was blowing so hard earlier, that their show was slow to start and went later than expected. Right as the fireworks started, it started to pour on us. We were soaked! It was such a fun time though. 

We went to Cancer Aid this year. It was interestingly boring. Drew didn't believe me that he wouldn't like it, but he still dragged me there. He was really glad to see Jacob, as was Jacob. He'd been gone all summer and finally came home today. We had both missed him. Drew really only went to Cancer Aid to watch Joffrey play. He is awesome on his guitar. 

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