Saturday, May 24, 2008

Flash Back Tag!

That's right, both of us are going to do this one. 
I'm in blue and Drew is in brown.

1. If you could tell your teenage self something, what would it be?
Beware of those cheer girls, they will turn on you!

Don't be a puss and kiss some girls

2. Did you do any extracurricular activities in high school?
What didn't I do? I had seminary at 5:30 in the morning, then early morning practice right after that. I played water polo, did stats for the boys water polo team, on swim team, on ASB, and was a cheerleader, so I went to lots of games. I lived at the school. I was at the school early and didn't go home till after the games ended, which was between 5 & 7 most nights. 

Heck No! I was way too cool.

3. What did you do in you free time?
What free time? Mostly cleaned up toilet paper from my front yard, toilet papered those who had done it to my house, and hung out at my house (my friends enjoyed all the arcade games, swimming pool, pool table, trampoline, and free food. I also went to Disneyland a lot to dance at the TLT, and parties at Adam's.

Blew stuff up and asked cheerleaders out for my brother.

4. What's the coolest thing you did in high school?
Lots of things my Freshman year, that was my favorite year. One night we went out trying to find a red bra for Kristin for the dance. Miu decided to try and pick up a cone while we were driving. He pulled it in. Soon all the guys were trying to pull these cones into the van. Then Jared and Todd decided came up with the idea of grabbing the road signs with the blinking lights on them. They also grabbed some sand bags holding down the other signs. Pretty soon the car was filled with all these construction signs and cones. Usually these guys would put them on my house, but I was with them, so they couldn't do that. They decided to put them on Samantha's house instead (She freaks out at that kind of stuff). We put the sand bags in front of her screen door, so she couldn't open it, the blinking lights by the kitchen window, and the cones all over her yard. Every time we passed a construction area, we would grab a cone, then drop it off at Sam's house. Ryan saw a 12 foot flag in front of an apartment complex. The 5 boys got out and grabbed it. They tried shoving it in the van, but it hung out the back about 3 feet. Todd sat in the back holding down the back door as we sped to Sam's house. They stuck that pole right in the middle of her front yard. It looked so funny.

The best thing about it was we had a water polo tournament the next morning. Our girls team had to be there at 5 in the morning to set up. It was still dark at that time. When Sam got there late, the coached asked what happened and she flipped out. The boys team was just getting there, she turned and yelled at them about the construction site on her front lawn. None of them had any idea what she was talking about. She still to this day doesn't even suspect us. 

I made my teacher cry on several occasions, and I built a house.

5. Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in high school?
A few, I almost always had a boyfriend.

I came close a couple of times, but I would always wuss out in the end.

6. What songs come to mind from then?
Vitamin C: Graduation, Green Day, Pennywise: Bro Hymn, Red Hot Chili Peppers: Love Rolleroaster, Beastie Boys, Offspring, 93.1 Arrow, Spice Girls, Sexy at 17, NSYNC, and Youngstown.

Eminen and Dr. Dre, especially Chronic 2001

7. If you could change one thing, what would it be?
I'm not sure.

Been more of a slut. 

8. What did you think you would be when you grew up?
A marine biologist, the person who jumps off of Shamu's nose. Oh and I guess I always wanted to be a teaacher.

A firetruck.

9. Add a high school picture of yourself.

We couldn't find one of drew, he never wanted to be photographed

10. What's the craziest thing you did in high school?
Every year we would have a cheer kidnapping, and those got a little crazy. We kidnapped the girls, decked them out in the dorkiest outfits, and were out all night reeking havoc throughout town. Then the next day they had to wear those outfits at school. Those were some crazy nights, but fun.

Got stoned and rode a 4-wheeler with a blanket around my neck as my cape. The blanket got caught in the wheel and it pulled me off the 4-wheeler and it almost ran me over. The blanket was shredded and it was Mandie's blanket her great grandmother made for her.

We tag The Hoyts (all of you guys)!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Weekend Fun!

Saturday we got up early and picked up the 4-wheeler from Grandma's house. We drove up Diamond Fork Canyon till we got to the end. We unloaded the 4-wheeler, put our lunch in the seat, and took off. We tried to go on several different trails, but they were blocked off. One of them had a way around the fencing, so we took it. There were all kinds of bones where the trail ended. We parked there, then hiked up to the top of the hill and ate lunch. On the way back, we decided to hike up to the hot pots, which was what we wanted to do earlier, but there was no parking anywhere. It was a fun "kinda" easy hike (I'm out of shape, plus this higher altitude kills me). There were a few families at the lower ones, so we hiked to the ones near the waterfall. It's so pretty there, but the water in the higher pots is so dirty! I felt gross most of the hike back, because of the smell. We asked this guy to take our picture with the waterfall in the background, obviously he didn't do so well at getting the waterfall in the picture.

On Sunday we went to listen to my sister's talk, then had dinner at my parent's house. We took the 4-wheelers up the hill to where the avalanche was a few years ago and drove them up the ditch the avalanche had made. it was a fun ride. We parked them and hiked up the mountain to the cave the bears lived in (Last year, a bear was found in several people's yards. The city captured the mama and baby bear when it wouldn't go back up the hill and was scaring most of the residents). There wasn't a trail, so we just hiked up the mountain, pushing through the trees. We were all scraped up by the end of the hike. We had to up this rock slide (again from the avalanche). That was funny. We took one step up and went down 2 steps. It was a steep hike, we had to use our hands to get up some parts of the mountain. 

The lower cave, where the bears must have lived was scary. There was a small opening and it had bones all around it, and many, many more inside of it. I wasn't even going to think about going inside that cave. The upper cave was more of a cove. It was about as big as our living room. It was really cool. After resting in the upper cave, we hiked up on top of the caves. That was a scary hike, I felt like if a made one false move, or stepped on one loose rock, I'd fall down the cliff. We were just on this bolder sticking our of the mountain. It was such a pretty view, you could see the whole town and all of the valley. If you looked up the hill, as my sister is doing in that picture, you can see another cave, and all of the damage the avalanche made. It's crazy how much destruction they can cause. 


Friday, May 9, 2008

get excited

we are getting so excite for this summer. so many fun things going on. hawaii is going to be a hoot. i think kistin is stoked to get rid of me now that it is warm and i want to be out running around all day. except at work i just rest up in the fork lift for the nights events.
iron man is awesome i am going to use that movie as my theme for this summer. cause he was very helpful.
we are also looking forward to the great quading we are going to do this year. there are still TONS of sweet trails to go get lost on

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Pretty Bad Day

So yesterday at work I was sewing on these caps. These are the worst caps to sew on, they don't stay hooped. Well I was holding one cap in place and the other cap that was sewing looked like it was moving, so I glanced over at it. At that moment, the machine jumped and it sewed in a spot it wasn't suppose to, it sewed right where my finger was. It looks as if it went all the way through the finger, because there is a small hole on the other side. The whole tip is bruised and it kills me to move it. I have always told my boss that our machine doesn't like to sew hats. He tried to make this new contraption on the hoops to sew them better, so the machine won't jump. Obviously my finger can tell you  that it didn't work! Hopefully he'll stop ordering in crappy hats, or he'll stop making me sew these hat orders.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Goblin Valley 2008

We found an entrance to an old mine. We figured if Drew could fit, then we all could follow. 
It was a fun trip! Drew wanted to ride on the Devil's Race Track, which would have been fun if it hadn't been such a hard trail. I was so scared!