Sunday, March 22, 2009

Teacher Job Fair

So last week I went to a teacher job fair at University of Utah. I can say it was interesting. There were a ton of out of state schools. I interviewed with a school from Houston, Louisiana, Alaska, and a couple of Charter schools. I was only there for a couple of hours and it seemed like forever. By the last person I talked to, I don't even remember what we were saying.

It was kinda discouraging. Almost everyone I talked to about the job fair said that a lot of schools will hire right on the spot, but every school said the same thing, "We're not hiring yet. Go online fill out an application and if you see something open up, quickly click apply for job to get an interview." A long day of nothing. The only thing I found beneficial was talking to the charter schools to see if I agreed with their philosophy.

1 comment:

Chad and Nicole said...

I'm sorry that it was frustrating. Almost like a waste of your time. You will be an awesome teacher, so I don't think you have anything to worry about, you will definitely get a job!